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Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:56 am

Highchart Range Selector

I am using highcharts for my web page and when the data is displayed in the chart and the minimum and maximum date is displayed in the range selector text boxes. and when we are changing the date in range selector it will only possible to change the date from the data.I have added a button and i want to select any date range in the date picker boxes and to fire. But noe it is not possible to select date out of the range. Is this possible in highcharts. please reply as soon as possible.
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Re: Highchart Range Selector

Hello fawaskallayi,

I am not really sure what you mean. Are you want to develop a data picker to your chart? Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BWEm5/542/. If not, please send sample demo of your code with this button, which I could work on and please describe more precisely your issue.

Best regards!
Sebastian Wędzel,
Highcharts Developer

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