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Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:50 am

Scatter plots in Cloud

Hi guys,

I have a requirement where I'd like to create a chart similar to the attachment.
The dataset is of the format:

However, whenever I upload the dataset, the scatter plot assumes that the first column is the x-axis, while what I'd like to plot is Trade against GDP, with the Country as a label.

Looking at your example of cloud bubble charts, which is somewhat similar to what I want to achieve, I can see that you have labels (or tooltips) like "US" and "FR" in your demo, but as soon as I try to download the underlying data, or even edit the chart, those labels are gone. How did they get there in the first place?

The question is therefore, which options do I have with respect to data formats?
I am in the process of creating themes, to ensure that the process of creating scatter plots in the future is as simple as possible for someone less technical than me. CSV would be preferable, but I need to know whether that is an option.
If not, what do I do?

Best regards,
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Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:40 am

Re: Scatter plots in Cloud

Hi, ceeol!

You can simply do this in Highcharts: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/2qsmjktf/,
but unfortunately, for this moment, adding additional info to the point is not available in Cloud. It will be possible in a new Cloud version 3.0 which will be released in a few weeks.

Best regards!
Rafal Sebestjanski,
Highcharts Team Lead

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